Yoder Newsletter Online

Issue Number 35 -- April 2000
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--by Joel Daniels, grandson of Nellie Yoder Eyman and resident of the Yoder area

Located in the North Willamette Valley midway between Portland and Salem, Yoder today consists mainly of gently rolling farmland, wooded areas, and a sprinkling of residences. It is not a town or city but a rural center with a general store, a garage, two churches and a private school. It was not always so. When the first white settlers reached this area, they found mostly evergreen forests of huge old growth fir trees and an occasional "prairie" burned off by the Native Americans to provide pasture. The land was given out in land grants of 640 acres and settlement began in earnest in 1850. Forests were cut down, burned and the land cleared for farming. When the first Yoders arrived, the land grants had been broken up into smaller parcels and it was common to buy 60 to 120 acre tracts.
In about 1873 the Gideon and Catherine Yoder Lantz and their family became the first of the Yoders to move to this area.. Catherine was the daughter of Bishop Jonathan Yoder (YR12a3) and grew up near Bloomington, Ill. after her family moved there from Pennsylvania. She and others of her Yoder relatives first moved to Dade County, Missouri before coming to Oregon. Included were her brother Asa J, and her nephews, Jonathan S., Levi D, and her niece, Mary ( Mrs. Joseph) Schwartz(endruber). After years of drought, the family began to look westward and sent Will Yoder (Asa's son) and Joe Schwartz to scout out the Dakotas. They did not look promising, so Mary Schwartz wrote to her aunt Catherine Lantz to inquire about the possibilities in Oregon.
According to an essay by Orlando Perry Yoder (Jonathan's son) written about 1950, Catherine's letters to Missouri gave the folks there "Oregon fever". More letters were exchanged and in the summer of 1887, Joe Schwartz and Dave Yoder (another son of Asa) came to Oregon and visited with the Lantzes who were located near the present Yoder Store. Joe Schwartz sent back glowing reports of the wonderful Oregon to his wife and family in Missouri and told them to pack up and come to Oregon. He had already found a farm of 80 acres for them to move onto and he wrote that he would stay there and wait for them to come by train as soon as they could arrange things.
Mary complied and in November made the trip with her 4 daughters and Asa's son, Ed Yoder. She wrote extensively to her family back in Missouri about her trip west and what she found after she arrived.
"I never saw such heavy frost in my life, and I guess you won't believe it, but it is true, the lettuce and cabbage are not hurt a particle. At first I thought there was too much timber here, but I like it better all the time. We have such good water I'll will tell you in what Mo. is ahead of Oregon. That is growing weeds. Here the gardens are so clean. Joe is just in his glory when he can work around his stumps and logs. Some of the trees are fearful, 150 ft. high and as straight as an arrow."
To her brother, Jonathan Yoder who already had a sawmill, these must have been magic words. He traveled out west to visit in June1888, bought land and arranged for a house to be built by newlyweds Will Yoder, who had come in March of that year with his new bride Jennie. Mary did mention:
"The greatest drawback I have seen is that I can't bake good bread. You can scarcely believe it but the bread of such wheat that Joe sent is not good. The millers say they let it get too ripe. We will try it and cut some green next year."
No doubt she was missing the hard red wheat she was used to back home, not the white soft wheat grown in Oregon. By 1889, the rest of the Yoders had sold their farms in Missouri, moved to Oregon and the community of Yoder was begun. These families were especially close since the wives of Asa, Jonathan and Levi were sisters, daughters of Elias Yoder's (YR12a33) second wife Catherine Stucky Fry. In July, 1893, John Plank Yoder, another of Elias Yoder's sons moved his family to Oregon from Illinois where he was superintendent of schools in Marseilles. In a letter dated August 10, 1893 to his brother Isaac (Ike), who remained in Illinois:
"The days are pretty warm , but the heat is not so stifling as in Ill., and the nights are always cool and one awakes refreshed and rested in a way that is astonishing to one who has the experience for the first time."
It is remarkable now to realize that this large extended family was able in a fairly short period of time to purchase acreages nearly contiguous with one another. Since the land was mostly covered by dense forest and brush, some so thick that one had to crawl to get through it, it was not very productive until it was cleared. The new settlers were determined to clear the land so they could produce the crops they were used to in the east. John P. Yoder describes the process in another letter to Ike April 14, 1894:
"I suppose we have told you before of the big pine tree that stood near our house .during holidays the boys in the neighborhood sawed it down .No wagon in the neighborhood could haul the logs and no sawmill could saw them for it was 187 long and nearly 6 ft. across the stump We hauled some of the best of the limbs for firewood and the other day Louis [Jonathan's son] and Arthur [John P.'s son] bored it with the ship augur and burned it up. The way this is done is to bore holes at intervals of ten or fifteen feet from the top down to the heart then bore corresponding holes in the sides to intersect these. Then drop some live coals down from the top . The fire will do the rest."
The enterprising Yoders with their neighbors set about to organize a variety of activities in the community in addition to clearing the land and building their houses. Evergreen School was built in 1889 and classes were held that winter with Asa Yoder as schoolmaster. (That school lasted until Christmas vacation 1923 when the school was moved to a new two-room building a quarter-mile north.) According to a Smyrna Church history compiled by the Sunbeam Sunday School Class taught by Gungadene Mitts in the 1950s: Dec. 25, 1889--The Yoder children moved into their new schoolhouse, and on Dec. 28 the people congregated at the new schoolhouse to organize a Sunday School and to elect officers. Mr. A. J. Yoder was chosen Superintendent with Mr. John Taylor assistant. Mr. J. J. Yoder secretary. Mr. Tom Yoder and Miss Elsey Taylor organists. The classes were formed and the lessons for the next quarter were discussed. A vote was then taken on a name for the school. The house majority was in favor of Evergreen. After that the Evergreen Sunday School had services at 10:00 A.M.


Evergreen School
On January 29, 1890, the Rev. F. W. Parker, minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Woodburn, preached the funeral sermon of Dr. Byland of Woodburn. His brother, O. H. Byland, who lived near what is now Smyrna Church in Yoder, was present and invited the Rev. Parker to come and preach at the Needy Schoolhouse, 2 miles northwest of Yoder, whenever it might be convenient.
The Rev. Parker was busy with his duties, but he promised to come and was able to preach on May 11, 1890. After the services the people asked him to come again, but he was not able to until June 22 after which they had a basket dinner. According to Asa Yoder, who wrote the "official" history of Smyrna Church in 1892, the service was pleasant and a large crowd gathered for a basket dinner in the grove. The people asked why he did not organize a church at Needy and he said of course he would if there were enough in favor of it. The fifth Sunday of the month was chosen as the day to hold a meeting. The Rev. Parker, assisted by the Rev. T. H. Small, met with the people on June 29, and a membership of twelve became known as the Needy Congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
It was decided that the Rev. Parker would preach on the first Sunday of the month at both the Needy and Evergreen Schoolhouses. Soon after, the people of both neighborhoods decided to build a church halfway between the two schools, and it was begun on January 31, 1891. According to Asa Yoder,
The people were poor, but they went to work with a will. They cut the logs, and hauled them to J. S. Yoder's sawmill, then hauled the lumber to the place of building, and with their own hands, put up the building on a piece of land given for that purpose by Bro. Benjamin Rupe [Roop]. The church was enclosed and Rev. Parker preached the first sermon in the house on the 5th day of April 1891.
The people probably sat on planks placed on chunks of wood, but soon some of the lumber was fashioned into pews by Will Yoder and his cousin Iddo Hein. Those same pews are in use today, and one can marvel at the clear wide planks that must have come from some very large trees. Evidence that there must have been a number of large trees on the site remain under the church today where one can still find a large stump that for many years provided part of the foundation.
The Rev. Parker expressed a wish during the first service that because the congregation was poor financially, but rich in zeal and spiritual life, it should be henceforth known as the Smyrna [from the book of Revelations] Congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Soon after a decision was made to unite with the Congregationalists. The story has been handed down through the years that one of the reasons for the change of affiliation was that Congregationalists allowed women to vote and hold office.
Asa Yoder reflects on the first years, Since its organization, the church has prospered as well as could be expected. The church has now a membership of 47, most of whom joined on Confession of Faith. The house was finished and dedicated on the 1st Sunday of December 1892 by the Rev. Cephas Clapp, assisted by the Pastor Rev. Parker.
It is interesting to note that although the Yoders, who came to Oregon were raised as Amish-Mennonite, John P. wrote to his brother Jonathan in Missouri from Marseilles, Ill., Sept. 10, 1886, that "The influential church here as at Danvers [Illinois] is the Congregational & I am inclined to think they form about our best and most intelligent communities." It is not known if there was any discussion about forming a Mennonite church although many others of that faith lived nearby.
As soon as Jonathan Yoder and his family were settled, land was cleared to erect the sawmill. It was built over a large stump used to anchor the grain grinder. The mill was powered by a 10 horse power steam engine bought in the French Prairie area near Fairfield. Besides cutting lumber, every Friday was grain grinding day. Jonathan's daughter Nellie Eyman remembered in a "History of the Yoder Area" published in 1959, "that many times her mother had extras for the noon meal if the customer's grinding wasn't finished."


Another activity around the mill was making bricks. Kilns were improvised by placing cull bricks and mud around dome-shaped piles of green brick stacked in such a way to leave an opening in the center for a fire. A shingle mill was incorporated with the other activities in a second mill erected after a disastrous fire in 1901. Jonathan's son, Aaron took over full management of the mill in 1907 the year he married Edna Conrad. The mill burned again in 1915 and a third time in 1934 always to be rebuilt using the original parts that had been salvaged. It is still in operation run by Aaron's son Russell and his grandson, David.
An event of great and fleeting importance to the Yoder community was the coming of the Willamette Southern Electric Railway in January 1915. To coincide with this new opportunity, Jonathan Yoder erected a building consisting of a general store and warehouse. Louis and Edda Wrolstad came from Barlow to run the store and the stop on the train became Yoder Station. The Yoder Warehouse Co. was formed to facilitate the handling and shipping of 50 to 60 cars of potatoes each year in addition to cars of cider apples, cordwood, piling, eggs, cream, poultry, dressed hogs, veal and other commodities to Oregon City and Portland. Students were able to use the train to go to high school in Molalla. The railway was the source of its own demise. On the return trip it often hauled rock used by crews of local citizens to build roads. The first paved road through Yoder was laid in 1925-26, the year the train discontinued service.
With the exception of cleared land and newer houses, Yoder remains about the same as it was a hundred years ago. Oregon's strict land-use laws do not allow the population to increase very rapidly. The roads are all paved and growth of the Portland and Salem metropolitan areas cause an increase in traffic on the major highways in the area. All of the original Yoder houses are gone or in ruin except for the Will Yoder house, but Yoder descendants number about one-third of the approximately 75 residents of the area. A great-grandson of Jonathan Yoder, Paul Yoder and his family own and operate the store. Other families part of Yoder through the years include: McCormick, Taylor, Jackson, Kropf, Wyland, Sconce, Brockert, Owen, Watson, Feenie, Roesch, Conkling, Schriever, Wrolstad, Dybvad, Sinclair, Sether and more.


(photo) The Yoder Mill, probably from about 1895. There are both low and high wheel bicycles. I suppose it was on a Sunday since everyone is dressed up. Most of them are Yoders no doubt, but it is almost impossible to make anyone out.

(photo) The Jonathan Yoder Family picture was taken about 1893 judging by the age of my grandmother who would have been 7 yrs old, and her mother Barbara had a paralytic stroke in 1901. Back row: Aaron Livingston, Orlando Perry, John Jay, Louis Bertram, Rosa Bonheur. Front row: Albert Grant, Ralph Emerson, Jonathan Samuel Yoder, Nellie Beatrice, and Barbara Fry Yoder. J. S. had quite a flair for names. He pretty well had the careers planned for his children: Aaron went to Oregon Agricultural College to learn blacksmithing and machine work so he could come back and run the mill, Perry went the same school to study horticulture, John Jay became a bookkeeper, Louis and Albert farmed. Rosa married early and had a large family and Nellie took painting lessons.

(photo) The Evergreen School

(photo) Yoder Store when it was newly opened in 1915. Although it was enlarged, it looks pretty much the same today.

Historical News from Moesane
18th Century Portrait of a Joder Family of Mesocco

(Photo) Is this the earliest picture of a Joder? We know of none earlier. The following article appeared in "LaVocce Delle Valli", San Vittore, Mar. 12, 1993. It was found and contributed by Dr. Delbert Gratz, and we are grateful to Fred Gaines for the translation.
"The clan of the Joders, patricians of Mesocco, is already documented in place in the seventeenth century. In 1701, according to the 'Status Animarum' of that year, three Joder families (one at Crimeo, one at Cebbia, and one at Andergia), a total of twelve people, bore the surname.
"In the Grigioni the Joders were already documented at Maienfeld in 1475, in the sixteenth century at Fuldera, Disentis, Andiast, Vella, Davos, Prez, Sagogn, in the seventeenth at Ilanz, Thusis, Rueun, Pleif, Sarn, Lumbrein, Vaz, et cetera. [Translator's note: I believe all these places are in Switzerland rather than the Italian Grigioni.]
"They probably came from one of these places to settle at Mesocco. They disappeared from there in the second half of the eighteenth century. In fact, the 'Status Animarum' of 1773 noted only one surviving member of the clan: Maria Domenica, living in the district of Andergia. Maria Margherita Joder had died only a little before, at Mesocco, on May 7 of that year.
"Several emigrants emerged from the Joder family of Mesocco, men who were principally active as merchants in Germany, where they probably continued to exist after the clan died out in Mesocco. For example, in 1701 one Pietro Maria Joder, then in his twenties, was carried as 'resident' at Mesocco although he had emigrated. In 1750, at Ratisbone, a Society of Merchants of Mesocco was founded by the widows of Giacomo Toscano, Domenico Fantoni, Alberto Maria Joder, Pietro Maria Toscano, and Giovanni Antonio Fantoni. This society, risen from the ashes of a similar one which existed at the beginning of the seventeen hundreds, was eventually dissolved in July of 1752 (Archive at Marca, Mesocco, documents II 12 and II 13).
"We show a sketch of the coat of arms of the Joders of Mesocco, taken from an oil painting now in private hands, of two married Joders of the eighteenth century - also a brief family tree of the family, taken with the consent of owner from a photograph of the records.

"I can't tell what the name of the newspaper is, Something of the Valleys, but bills itself as a progressive weekly of the Italian Grigione (a region bordering Switzerland, if I'm not mistaken). The family tree shown is more or less readable as is. 'Nell Frazioni di . . .' means 'In the district of . . .' 'Gia defunto' means 'already dead. 'Assente' means 'resident' or more properly 'seated at.' The lower, disconnected part of the tree is noted 'Probably born abroad, which makes it difficult to ascertain to which of the three brances [above] it belongs.'

(map) ( family tree) (coat of arms)



Yoder Signatures from 1720 Oley Township Petition

-information contributed by Richard H Yoder

Are these the earliest Yoder signatures to appear in America? They well may be. In 1720, a petition was filed by early residents of the present day Oley Township of Berks County seeking to establish the area as a separate township. Signatures for "John Joder" and "Jost (his X mark) Joder" are shown above. Interestingly enough, the signature for Jost is directly beside that of one "George Boon", grandfather of the famous Daniel Boone, who was to be born in Berks County in 1738.
No action was taken at that time, but another petition was filed years later. This was also signed by "Jost Joder" and his brother "Johannes Joder", and led to the formation of the township in 1740. "Oley" reportedly comes from the Indian word "olink", meaning "hemmed in like a kettle"...a reference to the local geography. The original Oley township was later divided into Oley, Earl, Pike, Rockland, District and Exeter townships. Both petitions can be seen today in the Philadelphia Archives.
Through the last 30 years of researching Hans and his brother Yost of the Oley Yoders, it becomes very evident that their personalities were quite different. This is shown by records as well as by my interviews with the oldest Yoder blood relatives 30 years ago when many of them were in their 70s and 80s. They grew up in a time before television, when each village such as "Yoderville", Pikeville, Oley, etc. each had its own baseball team, band, etc.. Life was then focused around family, friends and community. Each child on the farms had their chores to do and by the time they were in their late teens they had a very extensive background of experience. The stories of their ancestors were passed down from one generation to the next. Many of these stories can be verified through independant records.
Hans and his family were very family team oriented and very organized as evidenced by the numerous deeds and documents. These show their progress by their grist mills, vertical saw mills, oil mills, tannery, cloverseed mill, etc. In the true Germanic tradition, Hans left the homestead to his youngest son Daniel since his oldest son John had already been provided for. Hans and his family had also learned to write, as evidenced by the signatures on the township petition, deeds and his will.
Yost was evidently a powerful and agile man as shown by records of his love of wrestling with the local Indians and beating them. They did not appreciate this so he would occasionally let them win to maintain their pride, which was very important to them. He was also known for taking frequent lengthy hunting trips westward to the Blue mountains. He is recorded as trapping as many as five wolves in a night. Yost never learned to write. He had his "X" witnessed on his will and also on the petition of 1720 to form Oley township. His oldest son John also had not learned to write because when he made out his will in 1812 he made his "X" which was witnessed by his oldest son John (OY11) who had learned to write. Yost's property is very difficult to trace since few of their deeds were ever recorded. In fact, four and five generations never bothered to record their deeds. In his will, the homestead was to be appraised and the oldest son was to pay the other children the prorated rate.


Yoder Signatures from 1740 Petition

-MARTIN YOTER FOUND? (OH1125) b. circa 1790.
The Yoder Newsletter- Founded 1983 by
Ben F Yoder (1913-1992); Chris Yoder & Rachel Kreider


Chris Yoder, Editor, Battle Creek, MI; John W. Yoder, Circulation Manager, Middlebury, IN; Rachel Kreider, Senior Contributing Editor, Goshen, IN; Esther E. Yoder, Mail Manager, Goshen, IN; Donald Kauffman, YNL Homepage Webmaster, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Other Contributors: Richard H. Yoder, Bechtelsville, PA; Hubert A. Yoder, Charlotte, NC; Dorothy Yoder Coffman, Malvern, PA; Dr. Don Yoder, Devon, PA; Neil D. Wilfong, Cleveland, NC; and Dr. Delbert Gratz, Bluffton, OH

-FOR CIRCULATION ISSUES ONLY such as new or renewed subscriptions, changes of address, orders for back issues to: Yoder Newsletter, P.O. Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527-0594.

- ALL OTHER CORRESPONDENCE- Dealing with ancestral queries or contributions for future YNLs or archives (such as reunion notices, letters to the Editor, copies of Bible records or other historical information) to: Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 (or by electronic mail to "75757.3371@compuserve.com").

YNL PRICE INFORMATION $$$$ (Price unchanged since 1983!)
-The YNL subscription is on an annual basis-two issues for $3.
-BACK ISSUES of the YNL are $1 per issue.
-Yoder Newsletter Issues 1 Through 25 - bound 240 page volume includes a topical index of major articles, and an "every name index". (Price $28 post paid). Order from: The Yoder Newsletter, P.O.Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527.
YODER DATA ON DISK PRICE RISES- As we now are dealing with 5 disks worth of information, we are forced to increase our price for our "Yoder Data on Disk" to $10 (postage included). Anyone interested can get the files AT NO CHARGE by file transfer from the Yoder Newsletter Homepage (www.yodernewsletter.org)
(photo) Phil Yoder--Champion Cowboy of the World" This 1918 photo from the Pendleton, Oregon rodeo shows Phil Yoder, a son of Jess Yoder, on whose land Yoder, Wyoming was built. Phil was written about in YNL 24, by Florence Schultz of Torrington, Wyo. , who was taught horseback riding by him when a young girl. Florence discussed his days as a rodeo star and his being give the title "Champion Cowboy of the World". He reportedly passed away in the 1950's, without descendants.
Letters to the Editor:

Hello, I am rather new to this "frindshaft" (?sp) business. I have been filling in an ancestral fan chart which has space for 1,023 ancestors. Living in Panama I have no access to books so was thrilled to find all this info. via the internet. In your Yoder site I am a granddaughter of YR2611927, my maiden name was Yoder. My husband, Jacob Tice, is a grandson of YR26119124 and a great grandson of YR2611523. --Marlene S. Tice Chiriqui, Panama (delete following) j_m_tice@cwp.net.pa phone/fax: (507)770-6542

I'm a "Yoder-Yoder". My parents were Owen J. & Verda Yoder From Topeka, In. Dad's dad was Jacob J. Yoder from LaGrange Co. In. & Mother's Dad was Eli D. Yoder from Logan Co. OH.Dave Yoder <yipsyode@webtv.net> Ottawa, Oh
Hi, Chris, Just a note to thank you for your work on this. I am an"Oley Yoder." My family owns a farm that is on part of the original Hans Yoder property along the Manatawny. It is bounded by the Crooked Dam. As far as we have been able to discover, it has always been owned by someone with Yoder roots, but not in a direst line of descent. I have really appreciated your efforts in tying together the Anabapatist and Reformed or originally Reformed or "New Born" parts of the family. It has been in help in my nuclear family because I married into a Mennonite family that has lots of Yoders, too. We deal with both perspectives on Christianity in the extended family. Sincerely, Ruth Umble <umble@ccconnect.com>
I have been receiving the Yoder Newsletter for almost 20 years and have never seen or read anything about my husband's Grandfather Lewis Delong Yodder born 1845 and died 1925 in Hegins, Pa. Buried in Lutheran Cemetery in Hegins and was married to Elizabeth May Miller who is also buried in that Cemetery Jan. 1944. I have no more information on either one of them. Any information you can give would be greatly appreciated.- Mrs. Sylvia Heim, 32 Grandview Ave, Middletown, Pa 17057-2115 (Editors Note: We are just SO sorry Mrs. Heim didn't write YEARS ago. We have sent her a full ancestral record on Lewis (OH132813)...and pointed out various YNL article which reported on his direct ancestors.... including one which includes His Father William's birth certificate (YNL 14). IF YOU ARE LIKE MRS. HEIM and just have not seen anything on your family heritage...PLEASE WRITE or email Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd, Battle Creek, MI 49015 (cyoder@mail.tds.net) and we'll try to pin point your Yoder family roots for you!!)
I came across a reference to this page as I was searching for genealogy sites. I wasn't expecting to find such an in-depth collection of information devoted strictly to Yoders. I will definitely visit this page again. Thanks. Eric D. Yoder ericdyoder@yahoo.com Mill Creek, Pa
Wonderful site! Found my gg grandparents, Fanny Yoder (YR23b47) and Samuel King. I can provide extensive info on their descendants, most of which reside in Illinois. Thanks to all of you who have added the Census and other info. It is very much appreciated! BTW, I lived in Switzerland for 5 years without knowing I had Swiss forbears (assuming, of course, that "Schweitzer" Christian (YR23) didn't get that name for some other reason). Stan Wrobel <Stan.Wrobel@compaq.com> Groton, Ma USA

I have enjoyed getting to know my relatives in Yoder, Oregon. My great aunt, Ada Sinclair (Yoder) celebrated her 90th birthday in November, 1999 in Yoder, OR. I had a fabulous time! Thank you answering my initial inquiry......it was my first connection....thank you very very much. SueMather
YODER DESCENDANT BECOMES AMBASSADOR TO BURUNDIMary Carlin Yates has been appointed ambassador to Burundi. She is a descendant of John Plank Yoder (YR12a332, 1846-1894,). Her husband is already ambassador to Guinea. John P. Yoder's fourth child was Hattie, who married McDonald Potts, and Mary is their granddaughter. --- Thanks to Jim Yoder and Joel Daniels

This wonderful Yoder reunion photo was copied and supplied by Peggy Stauffer of Willow Grove, Pa. Her great-grandfather Albert L. "Al" Yoder (OH1331bb) (1860-1923) is the gentleman with glasses and a dark suit in the rear row, directly left of the central tree, and to the right of the boy with tie and cap. Peggy estimates that this photo was taken sometime between 1914 and the death of her great grandfather in 1923. Many years ago, prominent historian Dr. Don Yoder provided the YNL a xerox of this same reunion photo. His own grandmother is the lady in the dark dress seated in the from row beside the man in the dark suit. He describes her as "surrounded by various aunts and great aunts and cousins of mine". Dr. Yoder recalls spending happy childhood summers on his grandmother's Schuylkill County farm, in the Hegins Valley. Are there enough family members out there who recognize people to help us name ALL the people at this early Pennsylvania reunion? Al Yoder was a well driller. He married Saloma Arnold (1863-1945), and is buried at Salem United Methodist Church cemetery in Mabel, PA.
Some Recent Yoder Contacts:
--Irvin Thomas Yoders (M25231) Kristie Sands-Kuzniar <laurensma@yahoo.com>
--Eliza C. Yoder (Con375), Barry Taylor 226 N Bost St Statesville, NC 28677 (704) 873-6204
--Pricilla Yoder (Con28) who was married to Jackson Lentz. Diana (Lentz) Young "diana young" <hoyoung@indiana.edu>
--Anna Yoder (1768-1843) (YB121) was married to my ancestor Abraham Meyer. Great Swamp Ruth Moyer goforjoy@erols.com
--Alonzo Yoder (Con3921) Glenn Templeton <wtempl1999@aol.com> Tornado, WV USA and
--(?YR25765) Hannah Yoder m Nicholas Strubhar - squinn@ptinet.net
--YB131- Anna Yoder Moyer (1771-1862) -Weldon Schloneger,
--YR2365212- Melvin J Yoder.. Melvin John Yoder III
--YR146277- John C. Yoder, O Slush, INTERNET:ojfwb@webtv.net
--YR2357261- Dehlia "Dally" Yoder - Gustav A. Smith Smittygd@aol.com --YR23567 Jacob Yoder -- Dennis E. Yoder, yoderddtw@juno.com
--YR14223121 Harry Ellsworth Yoder --Ed Yoder ecyoder@crossville.com
--YR17712- William Yoder - Overlook Farm, overlookfarm@mindspring.com
--Con614- Calvin Yoder -Georgia Collins, gcollins@mato.com
--YB113293- After investigating my tree more I found that Maryett Zigler, (Wife of Joseph H Yoder born February 01, 1853), is the first cousin to Earl Charles Sigler, (Husband to Viola C Yoder born March 17, 1889). Dave Smith "SMITH,DAVID" <dsmith24@neo.rr.com>
--?Con871- William D. Yeother/Yoder- budnancy@glccomputers.comYR235443- Noah Yoder - Nancy Yoder, yodernan@voyager.net
--YR2351-Barbara Yoder who m. John Schrock, Julie Quinn <jsquinn@cts.com> San Diego, CA USA
--YR23443423- Edna J. Yoder-- Mark Matthews markem2@email.msn.com
--YR12124- Susannah Yoder-- Susan Ann Hoffman, Route 3, Williamston, MI 48895 windseye@acd.net

The following infomation was located about a "Yoder Hotel" in Pittsburgh. Can anyone tell us more about it?
"Hotel Yoder on Forbes Street is one of the best hotels of its kind in the country.It is strictly for men only. It serves meals at a reasonable figure, and was established by the man whose name it bears, not for the purpose of making money, but to help solve a problem that confronts every large city, namely the housing of a large number of men, who are unable to find shelterage in the larger hotels & inns of the city. Religious services are held nightly in this house.This is city mission work of the best sort....100 rooms for men only, 25 cents to $1.00 per day".

News Briefs from the House of Yoder
The exterior stonework has been completed on the House of Yoder (the 1750 era style house being built on the grounds of Spruce Forest Artisan Village in Granstville, MD) and the stone masons are now finishing the interior stone fireplace and chimney. Over $70,000 has been raised over the last six years to make the Yoder House a possibility. Another $25,000 is needed to complete the house.
The House of Yoder will be open for tours during the 23rd Annual Summer Festival and Quilt Show of Grantsville on July 13-15, 2000. Last year's popular corn chowder and corn bread will be served again. House of Yoder is built in the style of a house in an area of Germany where Yoders have lived since 1703. The interior floor plan for the Yoder House is patterned after two Yoder houses in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Many of the building materials for House of Yoder have come from barns, houses, and a church house which was torn down in the Grantsville area. Much of the new lumber used in the construction has come from trees blown down by the tornado which went through the Grantsville area in 1998.
The fifth annual House of Yoder meeting will be held November 11, 2000. All persons are welcome. Any questions or donations to the project (payable to House of Yoder) may be sent to: Lonnie Yoder, 1066 Smith Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802. Lonnie Yoder <ltby@shentel.net>


The Book I wrote on the Descendants of my great-grandparents Samuel K. (YR25393) and Leah (Yoder) (YR26814) Yoder, Jonathan N. (YR25362) and Leah (Yoder) (YR25712) Yoder, and Eli Z. (YR26735) and Susanna (Yoder) (YR257a3) Yoder is finished. They all go back to YR2. I enjoyed doing it I hope the people like it. If you would like a book you may send your order to Ruth F. Baker 316 Oak Tree Rd. Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545-9403. The cost is 16.95 + 3.00 shipping. The book is hard cover with 286 pages.

-- "Ruth Baker" <rfbaker@desupernet.net>

NEW DATA IN YODER ARCHIVES SINCE LAST ISSUE:Christian Yotty family of Woodford County, Ill.Census Records- 1860-Ark; 1870-Ala; 1880- Ill, Mo, Mich; 1900-Mo.
The Jan. 2000 season opener of the popular PBS TV program "Antique Roadshow" was broadcast from Columbus, Ohio. Among the items brought in for appraisal was a Pennsylvania Dutch "dower chest" with the initials "J.Y." on the front. Two frakturs (birth certificates) were pasted inside the lid...one for "Johannes Yoder" born 1815, and the other for "Anna Zook" born 1816, both in Mifflin County Pennsylvania.
This couple was John D. "Red John" Yoder (YR14611) (born 6/28/1815 Huntington County, Pa and died 3/16/1895 Logan County, Ohio age 79y 8m 18d) and Anna Zook (born 7/13/1816 Mifflin County, Pa and died 1/2/1892 in Logan County age 75y 5m 19d). They were married on 12/22/1836 (about the date estimated for the manufacture of the chest---which was given an appriased value of from $10-12,000). Both John and Anna are buried in the Alexandria Cem., Union Twp., Logan County, Ohio.(Thanks to readers Shirley M. Brown and Julie Getter for both contacting us about this show)
The YNL will publish Yoder related inquiries or exchanges at no charge. Please limit as possible to include a full return address. All inquiries are checked against our records to see if we can help too. If you receive added info, please share it with the YNL for our files. Send Queries to: Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek,Mi 49015 or email at 75757.3371@compuserve.com.
Who was John J. Yoder, 2nd husband of Emma C Null who married 1st YR239582- John Yoder (died 1896 Somerset County, Pa). My address is: Catherine I. Yoder, 255 Cypress Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15902. <pfkennedy@webtv.net> (Catherine has since found that John J. is YR233d23- son of Moses Yoder and Susanna Shaffer-- she's looking for information on his first wife Amanda Layton)
Searching for Jonas Yoder, res. Green Twp of Wayne Co. in 1860, near Smithville, OH. He took in a boy, William Montgomery Brown, age 6 in the summer of 1863. I'd like to learn more about him from a member of his family. (YNL Note: We believe Jonas was YR26181). Ron Carden, South Plains College, Levelland, TX 79336
Have been working on YODER genealogy for about 25 years. Ancestor, John Yoder, son of Jeremiah Yoder. John m. Hannah Reed. They died of typhoid fever prior to 5 Nov 1856. Want more info regarding them. Reply to: Donald C Reed , 76 Glen Moore Circle, Lancaster, PA 17601 <rdonald@desupernet.net>
Am very interested in what you have researched on the Christian Yotter Family in Lee County, Iowa. He was my husbands great grandfather by son John. My husbands is John Wm. Yotter and we live in Louisa County, Iowa. Have been to the cemetary in Lee County where we found all of the Yotters graves. Lola Yotter, 4283 40th Street, Oakville, Iowa 52646 <loday@netins.net>
My Henry Beuchler YODER was born 10-23-1881, died 4-8-1956. In 1905 he married Sally Louise SPITTLER b.9-19-1881 d.1-21-1957. They had one child: William Henry YODER b.6-1-1906 in Pine Grove, PA, d.5-30-1975, who was my uncle. See my YODER page at: http://members.aol.com/meu1143/genealgy6/index.htm (per YNL - He may have been AC93- Harry in our "unlinked" file) Mary Lou (Fahl) Kline, 27 W 8th St., Media, PA 19063 , email: Meu1143@aol.com
Sarah Yoder, born PA, married Tobias Fike on August 12, 1832 in Saint Michaels Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baughman Twp., Wayne Co., OH. Living in Paulding Co., OH at 1850 census. Children: Caroline-14, Hannah-12, Cyrus-10 (my gg-grandfather), Sarah-9, Tobias-7, ?-5, Frances-3, and George-1 mo. Also with them was Peter Fike age 66. Peter, Tobias and Sarah were all listed as born in PA. All children were born in OH. Looking for birth places and ancestors of these folks. Jean Mayes, 4056 Mt. Hope Road, Carson City, Michigan 48811. <MaMayes@centuryinter.net>
My gggrandfather, John Yoder was born in Hooversville, Somerset County, Pa on 4/29/1845. Company I, 1st Maryland (US) Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War after enlisting at age 16. Was injured when his horse stumbled while jumping a wall. Fought at the East Cavalry Battlefield at the Battle of Gettysburg. Discharged in 1865. Married Malinda Lohr (born 12/18/1845 in Buckstown, Somerset County, Pa) in October 1865. Parents of 9 children, including my ggrandfather, Edward Augustus Yoder (born 2/12/1882 in Somerset County). John died of his war wounds on 11/4/1904. Buried in Otterbein United Brethren Church Cem., Shade Township, Somerset County. John was YR23781. --Debra Orner, 203 Metzler Street Apartment # 3, Johnstown, PA 15904-3457 DOrner1065@aol.com
Have not seen much research on the Yoder's in North Dakota. My grandmother is Edna Mary Yoder b. 13 Mar 1902, Pierce Co., North Dakota, m. Richard Marcus Zilla, d. 22 Apr 1992, Missoula, MT. Parents John & Lydia Yoder. Mark Matthews, markem2@msn.com
Looking for information on my ggrandfather John Yotter married to Ada Lane Yotter. Last known address Topeka Kansas around 1928. No other info available. Thanks, my email add: is "Glen Yotter" <yogle@earthlink.net>
My grandfather John Yoder married Leona Navojovsky. They lived in Alliance, Oh. He had two sisters and a brother. Their names were Ruth, Clara, and William (Bill). Their parents were Charles Yoder and Jink Fogle. We know that Charles's mother was named Catherine Malone, but do not know his father's name. Please reply to: Jennifer Faulconer <jeremynjenny@theinnet.net> Shelbyville, In
I am a descendant of the Yoder family that settled in Yoder, Oregon. My great grandmother was Florence Yoder and married Ernst Guddat in the early 1900's. I am unable to find at link to the Guddat side through the Yoder's. Can you help me? Please reply. Thank you. Susan Mather, 13415 SE 125th Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97015. I Clackamas, Oregon. remo@dsinw.com
Looking for Barbara Yoder who married a Joseph Forney for Somerset Co., PA. In one of the GenForum's I found a comment that there was some dispute about if Joseph married a Barbara Yoder, or that it was another Barbara. I have descended through the Forney line as follows: Joseph ~ John, Sr. ~ John, Jr. ~ Samuel ~ Nora Belle ~etc. Reply To: Lance D. Loomis, DrWho_Tardis@msn.com
I'm looking for information on Yoder's. I have a framed Marriage Certificate from Edward Yoder and Amandy Lucas dated June 29, 1898 and issued in Paulding County Ohio. I believe she is related to Governer Lucas after whom Lucas county was named Robert A. Yoder, Jr. <ryod613@centuryinternet.com> Mountian Home, Ar
My mother's maiden name is Helen Marie Yoder. Her mother Nova Marie Barton left the Amish community in the early 40's. Before she left she was married to Leroy Yoder. His father I believe was an Amish Minister in Ok but I don't have his name. Helen Marie Yoder married James Edward Phillips my father. My mother had a brother named Jachie Lee Yoder and his wifes name was Agnes _____. I was told he died in a logging accident out west somewhere. I do know that her mother lived in Michagan after she let the Amish. If any of this helps please let me know.-- Clint Phillips, ClintP39@aol.com

VISIT THE YODER HOMEPAGE AT: www.yodernewsletter.org

Multiple Yoder Tour Offers Yoder European Tour-June 2001.

As we have highlighted in many previous YNL issues, DR. DELBERT GRATZ, a renown Amish-Mennonite historian, has been directing Mennonite Heritage Tours for over 25 years. He has lived in Switzerland several years and has extensive contacts throughout the areas from which the Yoders originated and migrated. He offers to arrange a Yoder-specific family tour for 2001, should sufficient interest materialize. Several individuals have already expressed an interest based on an announcement in the Yoder listserver. For more information contact: Dr. Delbert Gratz, 8990 Augsburger Rd., Bluffton, Oh. 45817. Email: dlandtdgratz@hotmail.com.HOUSE OF YODER- sponsoring a 22 day tour of Yoder sites as well as many other heritage sites is June 5-26, 2001. Organized by Covington Meeting Management with Jan Gleysteen, native of the Netherlands and veteran European tour guide. Places available on first-come, first-served basis. Estimated cost $3400+ (double occupancy). Non-refundable deposit of $200 per person (payable to "House of Yoder Tour") to: Doris Ours, Rt. 2, Box 106 B, Keyser, West Virginia 26726. $1000 pp due by November 10, 2000, Balance due by March 2, 2001. Any questions, please contact Doris Ours at 304-726-4321 or Lonnie Yoder at 540-432-6467 or ltby@shentel.net.Mennonite Heritage Tours- For further info: write: Lois and Lemar Mast, Mennonite Family History, P.O. Box 1717, Elverson, Pa 19520.

And thanks to Keith Yoder for sharing this photograph of the newly placed commeoration stone at the Old Yoder Cemetery in Somerset County. (See YNL 34 page 8)
What Happened to Martin, son of Martin Yoter?
In YNL 32 we featured the discoveries about the family of Martin Yoder (Yoter) (OH112). At that point we were not able to report on the disposition of his son Martin (OH1125) b. circa 1790. Thanks to Leslie McCrary, a researcher with the Missouri Genweb Project, we were able to follow-up on a lead from New Madrid County, Mo. A "Martin Yoter" appears there in 1830. The age seems right, the unique last name spelling ("Yoter") seems right, and for a family that moved to western Pa, right near the headwaters of the Ohio river, a emigration pattern down to a Mississippi river town seems right as well.
There were only three townships in New Madrid Co. in 1830... Martin Yoter lived in New Madrid Township which included the town of New Madrid: Yoter, Martin
1 male under 5 years 1 female under 5 years
1 male 30-40 years 1 female 20-30 years
A check of the 1840 thru 1860 census records for the county shows no Yoder/Yoters. Neither do the marriage records and the cemetery records in Ms. McCrary's possession. But a possible link may exist in some other information we at the YNL have had for some time from 1850 census for Kauffman Co., Texas. This shows a "D.B. Yoter" age 22 born Mo. (c1828). The date, birth place, and name spelling match would fit exactly to the male child of Martin (the only Yoder/Yoter in the 1830 Missouri census).

The Yoder Family in North Carolina, in conjunction with our 50th Annual Reunion, will host our second gathering of the entire Yoder Clan on August 11-13, 2000, in Hickory and Newton, Catawba County, North Carolina. This event is co-sponsored by the Yoder Newsletter.
Weíre invitiní all yíall Yoders from all lines to celebrate our wonderful common heritage. The Quality Inn Hickory, NC (828-431-2100, fax 828-431-2109), will serve as our host accommodation. The cost is $66/night, double occupancy. Call them to make reservations ASAP-and remember to tell them youíre cominí down for the YODER REUNION! Program Plans include:
-Friday evening reception, entertainment, and registration at the Quality Inn;
-Saturday-- motor coach Yoder tour; presentation by Gary R. Freeze, Ph.D, a Morehead Scholar at Catawba College; dedication of the reprinting of the "History of the Yoder Family of North Carolina" by children of the author; banquet in the Zion Lutheran Church parish building with Dr. Don Yoder, professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania as featured speaker
Sunday- ecumenical Yoder clan worship service will be held in the 1886 chapel of Zion Church led by Rev. Dr. J. Larry Yoder; Sunday dinner and program.
Costs for the weekend events are: $15 registration/overhead; $17 bus tour and lunch, $18 banquet; for a total of only $50 per person for the whole weekend (excluding the hotel cost, of course)! Further information and a registration form will be mailed to all YNL subscribers soon after you receive this issue. Registration deadline is May 15, 2000. We can be contacted at-Yoder Family in North Carolina POB 10371 Mtn View Station Hickory, NC 28603

The Oley Yoder's are planning a second National Reunion on July 21, 2001. Over the past four years, the association has sponsored an annual reunion on the 3rd Saturday in July.
The annual Oley Yoder reunion for 2000 will be held July 15, 2000 reunion at the Oley Fire Company, Oley, PA. All interested parties are welcome. For more information contact the Oley Yoder Family lineage. Mailing address: 415 State Street, Pottstown, PA 19464. E-mail contact: < jyoder@bellatlantic.net > A family reunion has been held sporadically since 1920.
We would also like to mention our July 21, 2001 "National Reunion." This will be an officially sponsored event by the Yoder Newsletter and will include an Anabaptist Yoder Tour of the Berks County area conducted by Lemar and Lois Ann Mast, editors of Mennonite Family History magazine in Elverson, Pa.
Our Yoder Heritage Cookbook is sold out. Thank everyone for buying them. The restoration and maintenance of the historical family burial ground is the main focus of the present Oley Yoder Heritage Association. Several activities, such as the publication and sale of the Yoder Cookbook and the establishment of the 1996 Oley Yoder National Reunion were instituted to raise endowed funds for the cemetery. ---Sincerely, Phyllis Yoder

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Yoder Newsletter - © Christopher K. Yoder, 1992, 1994